Memorial Day Salute: Reverence, Reflection, Resources

May 27, 2016 Update Poignant new documentary trailer/film fundraiser about the impact of war on military families, called "Weight of Honor" which is a solemn reminder of sacrifices made, lives changed forevermore, and media's role to properly frame Memorial Day Weekend beyond BBQs and mattress sales. Also, May is mental health awareness month, so it's suitable to shout out … [Read more...]

Memorial Day: Teach Your Children Well

May 26, 2014 Memorial Day Since people have continued to confuse Memorial Day and Veteran's Day I wanted to add one more simple comparison/contrast to help sort it out. Also, on Twitter, there will be a #GoSilent moment at 12:01pm EDT on Memorial Day along with several other poignant hashtags that help clarify with a heartfelt salute: #InHonorOf and #HonorTheFallen. May 21, … [Read more...]