It’s Veteran’s Day: If I Have To Tell You One More Time…

Nov. 11, 2011 As schools let out for the Friday Veteran’s Day holiday, I double-dog dare you to ask each child why they get the day off and submit the answers here for a positive parenting prize... ...The helpful new book by Amy McCready, “If I Have to Tell You One More Time…” Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, author McCready is partnering with Blue Star Families, … [Read more...] Bringing Communities Together Post 9-11

9-11-11 On this decade anniversary of a horrific worldchanging event, with media spinning stories of heroes, hearts and homelands forever impacted, I’m turning to the positive births of OFFLINE community building that arose after 9/11.Scott Heiferman, Founder and CEO of, the world's largest network of local groups, inspires us all with spirited zeal of how his … [Read more...]

Bin Laden’s Death, Media, & Kids: Teach Your Children Well

May 2, 2011 (At left, forthcoming Time magazine cover this week) Hmn. Thoughts? As one tweet said, I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. … [Read more...]

Summer Fun & The War Play Dilemma (+Online Gaming Stats)

May 22, 2014 Adding this article from The Guardian Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare; a non-gamer's guide and Jinny Gudmundsen's Common Sense Media's post, "10 Most Violent Video Games and 10+ Alternatives as it's important to reinforce that Memorial Day is about honoring the fallen in "RL" (real life) vs on a leader board.Critical thinking, parental pre-screening and co-viewing … [Read more...]

Memorial Day Salute: Reverence, Reflection, Resources

May 27, 2024 I can't believe it's been over a decade and now more than ever, this post still holds up. Thinking about my dad today and wondering what he'd think seeing how divisive our nation has become with the January 6th insurrection and the degradation of democracy amidst the tawdry 'reality tv' tripe of Trumpian tactics. It makes me shudder to think how far we've … [Read more...]