Sexed Up M&Ms Sell Fashionably Decadent Premium Sleaze

Mars candies have reached a new low... Anthropomorphizing cartoon critters is one thing, giving chocolate candy classics the Jessica Rabbit treatment is another. Do we REALLY need more sexualization of childhood now coming in jewel-tone rich candy colors with a lip-licking ‘take it all off’ stripper vibe? You know my answer. The video’s after the jump … [Read more...]

“Where My Dogs At:” A Misogynistic Misfire Doing Damage in a Blink

Mar. 28, 2015 Almost a decade after I wrote this post, the media messages defiling young girls and particularly young black girls under the 'satire' banner continues, despite sheroes and massive movements building positive change. Unfreakingbelievable. How far we've come and how backwards we continue to be gives me great concern for culture credos...It needs called out, loudly. … [Read more...]