July 7, 2009 If I were using my marketing hat, I could’ve headlined this post “Expose yourself, and we’ll reciprocate” or some other sexist tripe for click-through baiting in edgy innuendo/ad agency style. But...since: a.) I disdain obvious ad ploys and b.) it runs counter to our mission and all we stand for in raising the bar on media messaging, I’ll simply defer to Tracee … [Read more...]
Interview with Amy Jussel on The Girl Revolution
June 3, 2009 by 13 Comments
June 3, 2009 While I was at the Ypulse Youth Marketing Mashup, the last two days, this "Interview with Shaping Youth Director" (aka yours truly) posted on The Girl Revolution. Here's (Part One) and (Part Two) which I'm just seeing now...It's very strange being the 'interviewee' rather than the interviewer! It all came about when a student from Philadelphia in Professor … [Read more...]