Treat Suneet By Voting for Dream Village TODAY At IdeaBlob!

Crowdsourcing has become quite the ‘thang’ with ideas percolating all over the globe on how to create healthier worldviews for kids online, offline, and bridging both worlds in between! (The much anticipated Elf Island opens Tuesday in beta testing, woohoo! It’s an AMAZING online to offline bridge for changemaking in the childrens’ media arena, and I’ve been mum long enough, expect a post tomorrow!)

Suneet Bahtt of Social Symmetry should consider partnering with them since Dream Village is in the 24 hour final voting countdown at Ideablob and it’s a perfect like-minded ally! Vote NOW to help Dream Village Kids’ Books come to life!

Dream Village creates kids’ books with a socially responsible twist, tied to an interactive element that enables children to affect change firsthand, chooseb where book proceeds will route, and feel the fulfillment of helping other kids overcome adversity!

By using true tales told from the perspective of a child directly affected by various social, economic, & environmental issues (e.g. African water shortages, subpar resources in rural/inner city American schools, etc.) Dream Village uses peer to peer outreach placing kids metaphorically “in their shoes” so they can relate directly and champion change.

Just as I wrote about in our post on marketing mindfulness, using media to engage, inform and mobilize, (e.g. see our “in her shoes” posting about philanthropic fun!) instilling empathy and philanthropy early on lays the foundation for global citizenship that we’re all striving to achieve…

Dream Village has already partnered with their first nonprofit, PlayPumps International, (we LOVE the Global Water cause here at Shaping Youth!) and their first book has been written, storyboarded and web portal for interactivity sketched…They just need the votes for the seed money to bring it all to fruition. A quick click TODAY will give ’em a great treat this Halloween!

Meanwhile, I’m gearing up for Elf Island on Tuesday so hope I don’t miss the boat. (Aw, shucks, I can wait, I suppose…let the kiddies go first!) 😉

It’s just that it’s such a compelling virtual world concept that I want to shout it from the rooftops! I’m THRILLED to see the paradigm shifting toward positive meaningful content…

Between the youngster adventures in Dizzywood, Zookazoo, and now Elf Island, the non-advertising/kid-friendly FREE model (w/subscriber options) seems to be developing quite nicely by veering away from vapid values of ‘coinage and consumption’ toward brilliantly colorful innovation for education without the heavy-handed preach-n-teach of some of the ‘serious games.’

All three of these sites use informal discovery, play, chat, and techno media magic to make a difference in the REAL world offline, off screen, and outdoors!

Dream Village could even be considered a low key, offline book reflection of a similar concept…You’re ALL on MY “dream team” shaping the vision of youth into a future generation of “catalyst kids” eager to make a difference in playful, fun, fresh ways! Encore!

Elf Island (trailer below just to get you jazzed) opens the door to an entirely new genre of “Gaming for Good” (TM) with its whole mission being the notion of turning online efforts into offline tangible results! Kids are rewarded by witnessing photos, videos, and kids like themselves benefiting from the change they’ve affected by their virtual world actions. No simulation, folks. Real world change, via the nonprofit partnerships.

“It’s all good.” 😉 Which reminds me…I need to see if Andre or Beth can Twitter these two treats pronto while I go get my Halloween munchkin captured on cam…Happy Halloween all! Vote on IdeaBlob for Dream Village NOW!

Related Resources

Shaping Youth’s Marketing Mindfulness to Kids —Part One

Shaping Youth Through Philanthropic Fun —Part Two

Shaping Youth’s Part Three: Kids Guide to Giving

Shaping Youth’s The Big Give: Kiva, Oprah & the Reality TV Juggernaut

Shaping Youth: Can I Sit With You? A Living Book/UGC Benefit for SEPTAR

Network for Good

Network for Good Blog

A Kid’s Guide to Giving by Freddi Zeiler

Ruby’s Hope by Hannah Taylor, Ladybug Foundation

It’s Your World, If You Don’t Like It, Change It! Activism for Teenagers by Mikki Halpin

The Kids Guide to Service Projects: (Over 500 Ideas…) by Barbara Lewis

The Kids Guide to Social Action: (same author, grades 4-8/tweens)

Raising Charitable Children by Carol Weisman

p.s. Apologies to any IdeaBlobbers I may have overlooked by selecting to support Dream Village, but being a writer, books are a passion, and the outreach came from my Social Issue Games listserve, so I’m keeping this one all in the family/community this round!

Elf Island Trailer: All Aboard! Beta Testing Opens On Nov. 4, Tuesday!!



  1. Elections, Elf Island, & GNO on Tuesday – it’s going to be wild, crazy, and all good! Tweeting & Stumbling.

  2. Hey lady!

    Make sure you check out – its another eco-conscious virtual world 😉 Just launched yesterday.

    And I WILL BE SEEING YOU at the Unconference next week. WOOT WOOT!!

  3. Thanks SO much Izzy…I keep forgetting that one. Need to blog it on Eco Child’s Play too….SO glad you’re coming to town next week! Lemme know if any of you need a place to plop! I’m right on the water here and ready and able to serve! 🙂 (you’ve gotta like teens and dogs though)

  4. Whoa, Izzy, I just checked it out…ANOTHER positive find, can’t wait to hear more when you’re in town next week.

    Readers, look at this ‘hero Tamino’ under the title “Play with a Purpose”

    “Translating online fun to real-world impact…Emerald Island is a virtual world that belongs to kids; it is theirs to pioneer, prevail over and protect. But more than just a place or a game, Emerald Island is a story. When kids take part, they help Tamino, the game’s hero, save Emerald Island from the ravaging Pirats.

    Each player plants seeds and cultivates gardens to replenish a vibrant landscape that hangs in jeopardy. Collaboration is fundamental as the game community bands together toward a common goal. Emerald Island is an opportunity for kids to experience their important contribution as part of an interconnected world. The online fun translates to offline global consciousness as players build knowledge, empathy and appreciation for an environment that emulates their own planet. While playing, kids are empowered to make a difference and become true eco-heroes for change in the quest to save Emerald Island.”

    I’m adding this one to my post on Elf Island that launches in beta today! egad, I’m behind…I’ve gotta go VOTE too!!! eep!

    Thanks for this!!! 🙂

  5. And yes, Pirats, not Pirates…Get it? Little ratty rats? 😉

  6. Dear Amy, Thanks for mentioning my book. Much appreciated! Carol Weisman

  7. Well, gosh, Carol, it’s a worthy book for certain and I’ve mentioned it before in a couple of other posts too…(our series on philanthropy last season in fact) but I’m thrilled you’ve visited in person to leave a comment! Many thanks! Do come back again! 🙂 Best, Amy

  8. Update!!! Suneet just sent out a message and Dream Village did it!!! They WON!

    Check this out (below) and the new interim site here:

    “Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    We are proud to announce that Dream Village has won the October Ideablob competition. Functionally, that means $10,000 in start-up funding. But of greater importance, the win means credibility and recognition for Dream Village. For example, we are in the process of confirming a formal check presentation at Wharton for this Friday, during the Net Impact Conference.

    We simply cannot say this strongly enough: this win, this victory, would not have been possible–not even fathomable–without a passionate support network of friends and family. You advocated for us.

    You rallied support for our project in what Ideablob has said was their most competitive competition to date. You gave our vision and our organization, momentum. You deserve our most heartfelt thank you.

    You can visit our interim Website to receive updates and stay informed:

    We are also in the process of looking for equity investors. Dream Village is a for-profit social enterprise, which means we believe we can build “the perfect business plan”, one that does well by our employees, investors, and the causes/charitable organizations we will support.

    This is an opportunity for you to rethink how you “give” and how you invest.

    One last thing…we found a partner through this Ideablob contest who’s actually running again this month. If you have a moment, vote for Kiba Kiba Books. Remember, you don’t have to register this time! Phew!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    The Dream Village Team
    Alexander Cohen
    Hina Sheth
    Pinki Shah
    Soniya Sheth
    Suneet Bhatt
    Trupti Patel
    Xavier Thomas

  9. Amy!!! Thanks so much for helping us out, for this lovely post, and for letting folks know how we did. One of the best parts of this entire process has been meeting folks like you, with a genuine interest in “doing good”. I look forward to working with you/working together. Let me know when you want to do that interview.

  10. elf island is lookin’ pretty cool 🙂

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