Rachel Simmons Tonight at GunnHS, Palo Alto!

Sept. 24, 2009 S.F. Bay Area readers, reminder Rachel Simmons is speaking TONIGHT for free at Palo Alto's Gunn High School (details here) about her new book The Curse of the Good Girl (living proof of same right here with yours truly, heh) I interviewed Rachel Simmons about what all has transpired in media and marketing since her decade of research on relational … [Read more...]

FCC Chair Receives Our Coalition Letter on Product Placement

Sept. 24, 2009 Shaping Youth is part of this coalition (15pp pdf here) joining over 50 signatories on "FCC Docket 08-90." As a nonpartisan, non-censorship, nonprofit recall I support two key coalitions impacting children, the other being eco-literacy, NCLI. You can get a glimpse of my reasoning here, but I'll focus fully on "'why this is important" deconstructing the … [Read more...]

The Civility Solution

Sept. 14, 2009 Rather than rehash the coarse conduct of music stars, athletes, and politicos reaching some new lows this past week, I’d like to point to The Civility Solution (Sept. '09) the sequel to one of my faves, called "Choosing Civility: 25 Rules of Considerate Conduct."Why? Because we've got major media moments ripe for peeling back a deeper conversation on how this is … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth is in the Philadelphia Inquirer Today

Sept. 2, 2009 For a media shy writer wonk who likes to fly under the radar, you might say I’m a ‘glutton’ for punishment each time I agree to making a comment to the press. The Bebé Glotón toy story originated at Thingamababy about the Spanish breastfeeding doll with slurpy sounds and strap-on-bib; human not included. Since then, it's taken off into controversy land and … [Read more...]