Teens in Tech Conference: Startups, Students & Hotshots

Feb. 4, 2009 Sick of Sunday's Superbowl banter and hackneyed sports phrases yet? One more quick one: 16-year old Daniel Brusilovsky didn’t fumble at the Teens in Tech Conference the day prior. Almost seems like pundits wished he would, but his fledgling new venture with business partner Sam Levin made a smooth run. Daniel even blocked and dodged with some fancy footwork when … [Read more...]

Superbowl Sunday: Random Acts of Violence, Kiddies?

Feb. 2, 2009 We interrupt this teens in tech series for a Superbowl snapback. Yes, it’s Ground Hog Day, and like the Bill Murray movie I feel it’s a ‘repeat’ of Superbowl advertising analysis veering into the pain-n-pummel anger management sphere to see how a $3 million media buy in a recession can boost buzz with the requisite angst-driven adults fielding more tantrums than … [Read more...]

Standby: Real Life Has Usurped My Digital World

Jan. 26, 2009: I’m feeling very “First lady-ish” right now, since Michelle Obama recently described herself as "first and foremost . . . Malia and Sasha's mom." Likewise, Shaping Youth begins at home, and I’d be full of hooey if I didn’t believe my digital persona should take a backseat to my real life responsibilities both personally and professionally. Once upon a time, … [Read more...]

The Girl Revolution: Empowering Girls Instead of Consuming Them

Shaping Youth writes extensively about the need for a massive media mindshift away from the sexualization and commodification of girls, so it’s with great pride and ‘atta girl’ go-power that that we announce one of our own honorees in our All Things Girl round-up is seizing the headway and momentum to launch her renamed site The Girl Revolution! Chock full of fun freebies … [Read more...]

Do New Year Resolutions Work? Parents? Kids? Teens?

Dec. 30, 2016 Update Now THAT's what I'm talking about... Teen Vogue has just released their 2017 New Year's resolution playlist, and a historic lens of where the tradition came from, and given that I'm now a subscriber and newfound fan of Teen Vogue's scorching truth-telling journalistic lens, it's heartening to hear younger voices ringing loud and clear instead of … [Read more...]