Turning Up the Heat: Green Teen Videos On Climate Change

Feb. 16, 2009 There seems to be a slew of  green teen contests kicking off this week, along with National Engineers Foundation Week, and 'Introduce a Girl to Engineering' day on Feb. 19. I love the way new media is making STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) programs more fun and participatory so kids can come together halfway around the world in the spirit … [Read more...]

A Challenge: Love Yourself. Share Your Story. Find Beauty.

Happy Valentine’s Day dear readers! Like my 'Luvicon?' (You can make one too!) Little did I know when I wrote about ‘thinspiration’ that there was an actual term for sidewinders and commentary that dings so deeply in the developmental recesses of kids’ minds. "Bodysnarking." Dare to share the body image stories that stuck in your childhood mental relay and lend a hand with a … [Read more...]

How Now, Green Cow?! sMOOch! Valentine’s Day e-Cause Cards

Feb. 13, 2009 Other than the fact that this cute lil’ cow looks in dire need of Prozac, this “cause-marketing” green Valentine’s Day idea is uplifting, customizable, and fun/fast delivery for all you guys and gals that didn’t get MOOOOOOOving in time to send greetings to loved ones before Cupid’s arrow left the quiver! The cool lil' carbon offset e-card from TerraPass costs … [Read more...]

Supergirls Speak Out: Liz Funk on NBC Today, Tomorrow!

Feb. 9, 2009 In the ‘takes one to know one’ category, I have to throw my own overachiever support behind young SuperGirl Liz Funk who has spent the last couple years detailing the ‘pressure to be perfect’ among teenage girls. Shaping Youth is one of the ‘book tour stops’ for SuperGirls Speak Out, and I’d slated Liz closer to her debut March 3rd, but in typical ‘overachiever’ … [Read more...]

Beyond Tech Toys: Pico=A Playful Invention Company (Part Four)

Feb. 6, 2009 Today I had the pleasure of speaking with global fellowship recipients in Stanford's Innovation Journalism Program (here's VentureBeat's audio of Director David Nordfors explaining the concept of innovation journalism). I tried to explain Shaping Youth's version of innovation learning and thankfully, had asked Scott Arpajian, co-founder of virtual world Dizzywood … [Read more...]