Two Angry Moms Bring A Fresh Approach To Shaping Youth 9-21!

Filmmaker Amy Kalafa will be with us in October in person instead of September! Haven’t lost my ad agency headline-writing ability to cram all the vital sponsorship info into a log line, but HAVE lost my ability to triple-check dates, as Amy Kalafa's schedule is equally zany as mine, and she's now flying in NEXT month to join us, so our 9-21 speaker is TBD. THIS … [Read more...]

FitBit At TechCrunch 50: Launching Exercise Through Media

Watching the TechCrunch 50 conference of selected startups LIVE on my laptop as my dog swims off the dock reminds me of my dad’s theory that you can see a football game better at home than in person! For SheGeeks like me, this is comfy, democratized, internet access to a bigwig startup event of digerati sans exhaustive schmoozing, ego-dodging, and brain-groping with 1000 … [Read more...]

Young Innovators: Get Out of the Garage and Into the Marketplace!

Calling all social media wünderkind, changebloggers, and humanitarian twitterati and digerati of the millennial set (yes, this means you, Alex Steed) there’s ‘gold in them thar’ hills!’ (ok, that phrase comes from either a Yosemite Sam cartoon or a cowboy parody, but either way, it shows it’s in my lexicon, revealing I’m WAY too old to … [Read more...]

Stage-Crafting Politics: Media Literacy Tips for Kids

Aug. 22, 2016 Update Excellent post by Diana Graber at Cyberwise "What to Tell Kids When Adults Behave Badly" which sadly validates, via Southern Poverty Law Center, how we've unraveled 15 years of anti-bullying education in schools with the crass, raunchy bluster of our current political climate. See "The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on our … [Read more...]

The Power of a Pen, The Story of A Sign

“Sometimes all it takes is a stroke of a pen. A beautiful film by Alonso Alvarez Barreda.” This was the caption for the amazing video I received via Facebook from my NextNow collaboratory friend and founder Bill Daul...And in my overloaded chaos I might have missed it if he hadn’t added, “worth 5 minutes of your time, I promise. Trust … [Read more...]