Sept. 21, 2013 Tired of the $2 billion/year endless barrage of hard sell food advertising hawking toxic crud to children to turn them into life long consumers? You’re about to get some ammo in the media battle for kids’ hearts and minds… On September 25, 2013, the online premiere of the 6-minute bite sized short animated film Food promises to expose how “Big … [Read more...]
Fed Up With Food Marketing to Kids? Nosh On Food MythBusters Film
Kidney Stones In Kindergarten? Put Down the Sports Drink, Kiddo!
Today’s New York Times reports "A Rise in Kidney Stones Seen in U.S. Children," naming high sodium intake of processed foods as one of the culprits, sending wee ones into urology clinics (no pun intended). Ever since the multimillion dollar marketing blitz sanctifying sports drinks as a 'better for you' beverage I've watched kids chug down those colossal sized jugs of neon … [Read more...]
Two Angry Moms Bring A Fresh Approach To Shaping Youth 9-21!
Filmmaker Amy Kalafa will be with us in October in person instead of September! Haven’t lost my ad agency headline-writing ability to cram all the vital sponsorship info into a log line, but HAVE lost my ability to triple-check dates, as Amy Kalafa's schedule is equally zany as mine, and she's now flying in NEXT month to join us, so our 9-21 speaker is TBD. THIS … [Read more...]
HFCS Ad Analysis: Dieticians Dissed, Media Literacy Mandatory
When I sounded off in HFCS Corn Wars about the ‘artificial sweetness’ of the ubiquitous HFCS ads, I promised I’d have our own nutrition correspondent, Rebecca Scritchfield weigh in with her professional analysis, but first…you MUST see BlogHer Gena Haskett’s insightful piece on the way we should consume advertising. It’s straightforward, … [Read more...]