Shaping Youth Joins EcoLiteracy Coalition: No Child Left INSIDE

As a nonprofit, nonpartisan consortium, I’m always keenly aware when I’m being ‘played’ by both the ‘right and left’ of a political hot potato, and I strive to balance spin accordingly. But sometimes, legislation is just smack dab common sense for all, pairing centrist thinking with beneficial outcomes... Shaping Youth is breaking form in … [Read more...]

Using Media to Inspire All Ages: Lia Neal to Dara Torres

Aug. 12, 2016 Friday Flashback as we add fresh 2016 context to this fabulous photo of two historic moments: Simone Manuel's gold medal win as the first African-American woman to win an individual Olympic medal in swimming, and Lia Neal's bronze medal in the 2012 400m relay, marking her own historic career first, followed up in 2016 with a SILVER medal in the same event. … [Read more...]

Going Green With Red, White & Blue Celebrations

Green Mary, who runs ‘zero waste events’ with biodegradable, compostable greenware, should supply our annual island 4th of July gig, because as I set up for the 100+ families to run our kids games again this year, I’m seeing universal discordance. Next year, I plan to lobby our homeowners association to order her potato starch utensils, sugar cane hot cups … [Read more...]

Media Rules! Shaping Youth Interviews Brian Reich

We interrupt this series on product placement and new FCC media rules to add a very pertinent voice into the mix, digital dynamo Brian Reich, co-author with Dan Solomon of Media Rules! Brian Reich understands new media’s opportunity to do positive, GOOD things beyond just ‘sell stuff’ so before I dive further into my Part 3 stance on the need for … [Read more...]

This Vacation is Brought to You By…

Oh, how I wish I were 12 again...Apple Camp Workshop is a three-hour FREE hands-on media camp for kids 8-12, in slick ‘seed the brand’ style (as if Apple needs more youth cult encouragement). It's available throughout ALL Apple stores...Tweens can sign up for two Camp Workshops at one time to learn: iPhoto in the Photo Workshop, iMovie in the Movie Workshop, … [Read more...]