When Life Goes Sideways: Is There An App For That?

Dec. 14, 2015 Update While digital 'screens' helped me triage many Rx and Dx complications in rural environs, and this remote locale used screens beautifully to bring urban advice into a sepsis situation, the colossal shift of routine data entry usurping one-on-one caregiving with the doctor/patient interaction is extremely distracting and disturbing in just the few short years … [Read more...]

Kids & Voting: The Ultimate Show-n-Tell

Nov. 1, 2010 Everyone’s buzzing about getting out the vote, but if you’re under 18, what’s a kid to do, besides prodding parents to find their nearest voting spot? Google Election Center's gadget has a handy dandy mobile texting app that does NOT harvest address info, but DOES enable voters to text “where” to 30644 and find the nearest polling place online. Excellent use of … [Read more...]

Halloween Media: Fun For Free! Apps, Sendables, Playlists, Games

Update Oct. 31, 2016 Appy Halloween? 2016 freebies include a spooktacular JibJab 'story bot' to insert and personalize wee ones into Halloween kids' books...Our friends at Common Sense Media offer a slew of apps with ages and stages reviewed and noted, and a host of Streaming Scary Movies for insta-atmosphere media fun. For older teens and the selfie crowd, these … [Read more...]

Amy Jussel On Changing the Channel of Media Influence

Oct. 28, 2010 Tonight I’ll be speaking on Changing the Channel of Influence in media, at The Third Place.org. I need to reiterate to ALL that Shaping Youth is a nonpartisan, non-religious-based, nonprofit,  non-tethered, organization. The media literacy opinions shared are my own and NOT aligned with any other organization, affiliation, or agenda. Clear? Reason I’m … [Read more...]

Selling Insecurity For Profit, Telling Kids Creativity Doesn’t Count?

October 26, 2010 I’ll recap Spark Summit takeaways soon, but with Halloween around the corner, I have a few timely tidbits that go beyond the need to Spark Change over sexualized costumes and look at the blinding message of consumerism triumphing creativity overall. When corporations undermine our values and put a ‘not good enough’ angst-inducing spin on children’s creative … [Read more...]