Stars & Stripes Celebrations For America the Beautiful

July 3, 2010 With the TEDxOilspill recap of innovative solutions airing on pbs last night (complete with faux BPGlobalPR masked man Leroy Stick) Oil, and WorldWildlife Fund Free e-cards reminding that almost a quarter of the world's mammals face extinction within 30 years, Independence Day is taking on a bit of an oily sheen to me. Seems "patriotic duty" is veering toward … [Read more...]

Safety Expert Uses Media Literacy to Deconstruct McAfee Study

July 2, 2010 When I first saw this  note in my social media stream it raised my media literacy eyebrows to explore further. It said, “Interesting: McAfee has a very diff take on their own study  than does CNET's Larry Magid." First thing that popped into my brain was, “That's NOT surprising, research is only relevant when one can deconstruct the background of who’s doing … [Read more...]

COPPA: Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Filing

July 1, 2010 For those mumbling, "COPPA schmoppa, there goes Amy into policy wonk land, please translate media jargon into usable tidbits" I'll offer a few primers... What is COPPA? Why do we need it? (see for an interactive show-n-tell which all ages can grok for an 'aha' moment on food and beverage marketing targeting kids in the digital age) Who are … [Read more...]

Dialing for Disorders: Let’s Move To Prevent Them By July 12!

June 29, 2010 As a kids' health advocate (inside and out) I’ve been covering the "HUGE" conversation pertaining to media’s responsibility and accountability in how the portrayal of being overweight in our appearance-obsessed culture is handled. (Huge: Part One, Part Two) Now it’s time to weigh in on the policy piece. (I'm not referring to RWJF's annual "F as in Fat" … [Read more...]

A Huge Conversation: Media Literacy Talking Points (Pt 2)

June 27, 2010 In Part Two of this HUGE conversation (premiering tomorrow on ABC Family, my Part One is here) we'll try to unpack some of the core questions that SHOULD be top of mind to embrace the media literacy side of the body image, obesity, nutrition and kids' health dialog. I’ll start with the universal disclaimer that I am NOT a medico, eating disorder pro or body … [Read more...]