Gaming: A Battle Over Anorexia In World of Warcraft

June 7, 2014 This coming week I’m attending the colossal gaming #Gsummit in S.F., a four-figure fee fandango (won in a drawing) that I’m eagerly sweeping my slate for in order to learn from ‘the biggies’ how large scale gaming and gamification can impact behavior change, physical/mental and social-emotional environments, education, imaginative play, and even widespread public … [Read more...]

GoDaddy Swaps Sexualization of Women for Objectification of Men

Jan. 27, 2015 Update: Animal Abuse Now? #NoDaddy. Horrific Ad. Sadly, 2015 Go Daddy swaps commodification of bodies for commodification of helpless animals, with a tone deaf 'breeders over shelters' puppy stance using living beings as props. (Reminder, use to keep from giving them any SEO lift)So wrong headed on so many levels, including the attempt to be … [Read more...]