April 22, 2015 Update Recycling my resource roundup of eco-literacy quizzes on greenwashing, nature apps in a wired world, and games for good like TiltWorld that build on green media themes of kids' exploration and discovery (like TumbleLeaf to get kids outside) in order to add a very LOUD shout out to this poignant Richard Louv post about Hybrid Minds: (premise: The more high … [Read more...]
Youth Engagement In Virtual Walk for Water (World Water Day)
March 22, 2008 by 6 Comments
Update Mar. 22, 2016 World Water Day As the privatization of water controversy makes a splash with multinational corporations like Coke and Nestle jockeying to be part of the scarcity solution, (sigh) "awareness raising" needs to go beyond "cup half empty or full" questions to massive critical thinking about interdependence and human rights. How will we unify? … [Read more...]