Update Oct. 22, 2015 Reminder: BrainCake shifted to CanTEENgirl.org in 2011 with heavy hitting sponsorship as a project of Carnegie Science Center. CanTeen has some fun STEM career explorations, complete with games and DIY challenges to encourage science exploration, from invisible ink to OOBlek... Join @BrightGirlsCo @YellowScopeGirl @IamElemental Oct. 22, 2015 in a Twitter … [Read more...]
Brain Cake: Teen Girls Talk Tech & World Changing (Part Two)
Halloween Make-Up Tips For Kids Costumes On the Fly
Update Oct. 30, 2016 Before you slather on fun face paint for a cute, quick costume, remember that kids are more sensitive to any and all chemicals coming their way... In addition to these fresh face resources below and Campaign for Safe Cosmetics new "2016 Pretty Scary 2" report to update their original pdf on heavy metals in face paints, and this handy personal care primer … [Read more...]
Farmers Markets Go Digital: Find Healthy Food Near YOU!
Tonight Shaping Youth proudly hosts filmmaker Amy Kalafa of Two Angry Moms at Parents Place joining Farmers Market pals like Sarah Nelson of Fresh Approach who is stellar at getting the word out regionally to all the farmer's market folks who in turn inform us "what's in season" with handy charts like this one...But we also wanted to provide a searchable database for our … [Read more...]
School Gardens Grow Healthier Kids: Seeding Green w/Richard Louv
Grow your own greens, get kids to eat greens, get OUT in the green, turn people green, live green, teach green, plant trees to game green and even SEED green in virtual worlds, yep, I'd say the healthy kids movement is fully underway... My inbox today has the Healthy Kids Expo in Canada taking exhibitor apps, the Women's Fund hosting the kickoff of Bioneers by the Bay … [Read more...]
Repower America: A Child + Building Blocks = Censorship?
This morning I received a note from the Alliance for Climate Protection's "we can solve it" climate crisis campaign with a chilling opener: “Did you notice the ads after last night's presidential debate? ABC had Chevron. CBS had Exxon. CNN had the coal lobby. But you know what happened last week? ABC refused to run our Repower America ad -- the ad that takes on this … [Read more...]