July 17, 2011 No, I haven’t seen the Harry Potter grand finale yet.Yes, it’s been covered from every angle, dominating Twitter streams, Facebook status lines and yielding the largest weekend box office on record with one out of four tickets sold going ka-ching for the wizard boy.And maybe it'll be worthy of the 3D hyped up media zeal, but like the Twilight series or any other … [Read more...]
Harry Potter Alliance: Using Pop Culture Pervasiveness Positively
Filed Under: Counter-marketing, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, People Shaping Youth, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: Amy-Jussel, Andrew Slack, blockbuster movies, change agents, changing the channel of influence, Climate Crisis Horcrux, Darkness of Darfur, digital activism, Dumbledore's Army, fandom, Gen Y, Harry and the Potters, Harry Potter Alliance, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, have fun do good, Helping Haiti Heal, HP Alliance.org, HPA, HPAlliance, human rights, inspiring minds, JK Rowling, JK Rowling's Radiohead moment, kids-media, largest weekend boxoffice, Leaky Con 2011, make a difference, Media-Influence-Kids, media-literacy, Mobilizing Youth, Pottermore, Quidditch, reach and teach, send out a howler, social change, social justice, social media activism, social media mobilization, spark change, summer hit movies, teaching moments, The weapon we have is love, Twilight saga, world changing