Nov. 12, 2009 Long before the vampires and sparkling sagas of Twilight’s New Moon, New Moon Magazine delighted girls as a ‘go to guide’ for navigating adolescence and being themselves. After 16 years of print, New Moon Girls’ expanded online to add a richness and color to the digital dialog, creating an entire community of shared art, hopes, dreams and inspiration…launched … [Read more...]
Save New Moon Girls: Help Us, Help Them!
Do Those ‘Take Action’ Causes and AutoFill Forms Really Work?

August 25, 2009 Ever wonder if those urgent ‘act now' e-mails from your favorite causes work? Last week I received an NCLI eco-literacy action alert, as Shaping Youth is a member of the consortium supporting the Pre-K through 12 No Child Left INSIDE Act which gets kids outdoors and hands-on in nature as the ultimate math and science ‘STEM’ program as part of school … [Read more...]
SchoolLoop Digital Voice Alerts Help San Mateo
August 24, 2009 In the category of “why those tedious B2S Emergency Response Forms are imperative” I offer my personal parenting experience from this morning’s pipe-bombing incident with a former student of nearby Hillsdale High now in custody. (S.F. Gate update) Photo at left via KRON4/NBC Bay Area news) 10:13am “This is Kirk Black, Assoc. Superintendent of the San Mateo … [Read more...]
Back to School: Are Teens REALLY Going Green?

August 20, 2009 Leave it to a teen to tap into the core eco-issue behind why there’s tons of talk about green teens but not enough ‘walking the walk’ toward sustainable lifestyle shifting ‘en masse.’ In 2007, when JupiterResearch cited 38% of teens caring about the environment and 15% being ‘hardcore green’ opinion leaders and digizens in a report, “Green Teens: Reaching a … [Read more...]
Neda: Iconic, Insta-Media Shifts Us To Visual Story Threads

June 22, 2009 Youth culture is highly visual and iconic, no doubt about it. According to Graham Brown's article, Youth in Iran, about 60% of the population in Iran is under 25, so it's no surprise that the death in the streets of 26-year old “Neda” has become iconic very, very fast. As students and global citizens rally using social media mobilization to protest the … [Read more...]