Nov. 22, 2019 update: Pinstripes will now open officially to the public on Dec. 3, 2019 after their community opener Dec. 2, 2019. Original Post: As the surge continues with millennials making plans online to offline, moving from screens to scenes, the Bay area welcomes Pinstripes! Granted, if Pinstripes were part of a word association game, I’d get the buzzer, because when … [Read more...]
Pinstripes: A Bold Type of Entertainment Hub Bringing Communities Together Post 9-11
9-11-11 On this decade anniversary of a horrific worldchanging event, with media spinning stories of heroes, hearts and homelands forever impacted, I’m turning to the positive births of OFFLINE community building that arose after 9/11.Scott Heiferman, Founder and CEO of, the world's largest network of local groups, inspires us all with spirited zeal of how his … [Read more...]
G-Force: Can Guinea Pigs Help Kids Get Active? Humana Hopes So!
June 12, 2009 Just finished a phone interview with some of the Humana Games for Health team to see if their new free game called OPS (Operation Planet Savers) passed the sniff test of 'goodwashing' in their Disney dealings to promote the upcoming G-Force movie coming out next month as a Jerry Bruckheimer first in the 3D big screen. “OPS” is aimed at launching kids into … [Read more...]
Pop Culture on Parade: JibJab’s Hilarious Manic Media Montage
Jan.2, 2010 My head is still spinning (no, not from ‘The Hangover’ post)... My brain is simply trying to catch up with my eyeballs in this frenetic musical media montage which salutes the past year in PG-13ish ‘Where’s Waldo-style.’ Reminiscent of Dan Meth’s ‘Internet People’ viral video from awhile back (Dan has several new mashups beyond the stoic squirrel, spoofing … [Read more...]