July 6, 2009 Back to wrap up healthGAMERS Part 3 soon, but today my teen begrudgingly started three hours of summer school---(don’t ask, don’t tell, it was her own ‘deal’ gone awry at 'College for Kids') so I took it upon myself to sort through her ‘giveaways’ of books she agreed to give up for our FREE BOOKS FOR KIDS post to encourage poolside reading, recycling, and to thank … [Read more...]
Free Books For Kids From Shaping Youth’s Virtual Garage Sale!
Doug Engelbart Supports Shaping Youth By Offering Digital History
Jan. 30, 2014 Thinking pensively about the late, great Doug Engelbart on this birthday today, as he would've been 89. Let's celebrate his spirit by raising the collective knowledge for humanity...and applying it every day of our lives! Jan. 30, 2013 update: Make it great for #88! Just wrote birthday wishes on Doug Engelbart's wall and reminded myself once again why we need … [Read more...]
NPR: Do1Thing and Sell For A Cause Marketplace on Facebook
Mar. 11, 2009 Heads up on two youth-focused National Public Radio blurbs this week: First is the NPR Weekend Edition clip, 'What's For Sale? Check Facebook all about our ‘Sell for a Cause' launch at midnight tonight when Celebrities for a Cause kicks in on the Facebook Marketplace powered by Oodle…Want to help Shaping Youth make a difference in the world without opening your … [Read more...]
Sell Oodles For Shaping Youth Via Facebook Marketplace
Mar. 3, 2009 Want to help Shaping Youth make a difference in the world without opening your wallet? Now you can ‘regift’ those holiday oopsies, gadget castoffs, kids’ outgrown toys and gear all with a quick click via Shaping Youth's Facebook Marketplace, powered by Oodle and launched today! Timing couldn’t be better, given the bleak economy and clamp down in donor … [Read more...]
What’s On Tweens’ Minds? Meet Denise Restauri of AllyKatzz
I figure the Obama girls are going to be a huge focal point in the months ahead (gawd help those darlings) and self-ascribed tween “experts” will be crawling out of the media morass elbowing each other for air time and talk show gigs, so why not check in on the conversations transpiring on tween-talk hubs themselves? Since my tween has just turned teen, and … [Read more...]