October 2, 2009 Many of you know the irony that I’m ‘press phobic’ and camera shy despite a journalism and ad/media background plus a Communications degree, so it always amazes me when people LIKE the spotlight and seamlessly handle themselves with aplomb regardless of the topic or the venue. That would be our own dear Dr. Robyn. Shaping Youth’s body image pro Dr. Robyn … [Read more...]
Our Body Image Pro, Dr. Robyn Silverman on The Tyra Show Oct. 5!
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Nutrition & Wellness, People Shaping Youth, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: adolescent body image, anorexia, appearance, Ask Dr. Robyn, body bashing, body ideals, body shame, body-positive, bodysnarking, character education, childhood obesity, children, dieting, Dr.-Robyn-Silverman, fat, Fat Haters, fat phobic, health, ideal weight, ideals, Kids, Media, models, objectification, parenting, Photoshop models, plus sized models, Powerful parent, role models, runway models, self-esteem, Sexualization, Sexualization & Body Image, slim, Slim Hopes, stage presence, striving for zero, thin, thin is in, thinspiration, Tufts, Tyra Banks, youth
Film Screenings: ATB Tonight in Marin, Consuming Kids, June 4th!

May 28, 2009 Last night’s screening of America the Beautiful in S.F. at the Clay with director Darryl Roberts for Q&A yielded another 220 ardent ATB fans and helped support About-Face in the process! Tonight Darryl will wow ‘em in San Rafael to benefit Beyond Hunger, an eating disorder recovery org, so don’t miss it!! RSVP here (or just show up at the door!) I'll … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Nutrition & Wellness, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth Tagged With: About-Face, America the Beautiful movie, Amy-Jussel, appearance, Beyond Hunger, CCFC, childhood, Consuming kids, consumption, cultural cues, damage, Darryl Roberts, Daughters, eating-disorders, food issues, girls, harm, Kids, Marin, movie screenings, obsession with weight, Pop-Culture, preteen, protect children, Rafael Film Center, runway models, San Rafael, super consumers, Teens Turning Green, thinspiration