Our Body Image Pro, Dr. Robyn Silverman on The Tyra Show Oct. 5!

October 2, 2009 Many of you know the irony that I’m ‘press phobic’ and camera shy despite a journalism and ad/media background plus a Communications degree, so it always amazes me when people LIKE the spotlight and seamlessly handle themselves with aplomb regardless of the topic or the venue. That would be our own dear Dr. Robyn. Shaping Youth’s body image pro Dr. Robyn … [Read more...]

Influencers, Accountability and the Global Cost to Youth

April 7, 2013 Update:   This topic will be the opening plenary at the newly rebranded Yth.org public health conference today in S.F., livestreamed here: YthLive.org at 4pm Pacific time/1pm ET.I can't wait to hear this panel, as I've got questions out the wazoo in terms of opportunities for education, producers' ratings baiting w/scripts, social norming and accountability, and … [Read more...]

America the Beautiful: An “R” Rated Movie You WANT Kids To See

Teens and tweens have heard more raw verbiage on school grounds in any given day than Eve Ensler's little snippet in America the Beautiful that garnered the documentary an ‘R’ rating. (trailer here) That ‘R’ is for the reform needed in movie ratings, since even the most graphic visuals of plastic surgery could have shown on ER or CSI prime time on any … [Read more...]