June 1, 2012 Personally, I don’t think 8th grade and ‘cocktail dress’ should be uttered in the same sentence, but alas, there are entire websites ratcheting up the ‘kids getting older younger’ (KGOY) effect of marketing mania turning ‘tweens’ into 8th grade glamorama Disney divas with little regard for kids’ socioemotional health and developmental milestones. As 8th grade … [Read more...]
Graduation, Prom, Pressure, Stress? Keeping Up With The Joneses
Prom Spending Surges? Media Panics, Hype & Critical Thinking
May 15, 2015 Update! Great then/now retrospective in the New York Times that spans proms over 60 years, all the way up to current "promposal" shenanigans, spending surges and social media selfies! Enjoy. May 24, 2012 UPDATE woohoo! Called it! Validation happy dance! Today Show notes HUGE Visa survey inaccuracies in this blurb-> "Prom Spending Myth" but no one is seeing it … [Read more...]
Miss Travel: Misrepresentation Way Beyond Arm Candy
April 26, 2012 “If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck”… It doesn’t take much inductive reasoning to see Miss Travel is afoul. That said, using critical thinking skills to see why this new ‘dating site’ offering ‘free travel for attractive people’ (ahem, cough, prosti-travel) doesn’t pass the sniff test is a useful mini-lesson. Miss Travel is a teachable … [Read more...]
How Will YOU Use Media to Inspire On International Women’s Day?
April 23, 2020: Updating with Visual Credit for gorgeous artwork at left and below ("Dive into your dreams" and "Listen to Girls") created by Dr. Alison Aune BFA, Professor of Art Education at University of Minnesota, Duluth... March 8, 2012 It's International Women’s Day... As I struggled to post Part Two on solutions-building to combat toxic messages being sent to women … [Read more...]
Public Health: DV Grammys, Too Short Of A Memory, Sexualization
Update Feb. 12, 2016 With the 2016 Grammys coming up this weekend, I wanted to add two posts by the author of The Achilles Effect and Boys, Sex & Media as a ponderable question about what we're choosing to honor and award with media messaging and masculinity. Without vilifying an entire genre, specific artist, or lyrics lens (not interested in uncorking a censorship convo; … [Read more...]