Aug. 20, 2015 Update: Now Gatorade's G-Force is forcing their bottled neon into schools under the guise of 'hydration education?' Seriously? Paging media watchdogs! Crickets. Jan. 10, 2014 I’ve written a lot about the heavy marketing of sugary/salty sports drinks over water for hydration, and this post about “kidney stones in kindergarten” serves as a public health reminder … [Read more...]
Hawking Hydration Low: Gatorade Tells Kids To Avoid Water
Filed Under: Nutrition & Wellness Tagged With: advergaming, athlete endorsements, big food, Big soda, Bolt, Cap the Tap, casual games, childhood obesity, Civil Eats, COPPA, CSPI, digital, drink up campaign, energy-drinks, food additives, food dyes, food marketing kids, Food Politics, Gatorade, health literacy, high school athletes, high sodium kids, kidney stones in kindergarten, Kids health, kids salt intake, kids-advertising-regulations, Let's Move, liquid candy, mobile-ads-kids, Nancy Huehnergarth, pediatricians recommend water, PepsiCo, preteens health, Salt assault, sports drinks, sports drinks overkill, sports drinks who needs 'em, sports nutrition, sports performance, student athletes, sugar salt intake kids, Talking to Kids About Junk Food, teens health sports drinks, War on Water, water best for hyrdration