Nov. 12, 2009 Long before the vampires and sparkling sagas of Twilight’s New Moon, New Moon Magazine delighted girls as a ‘go to guide’ for navigating adolescence and being themselves. After 16 years of print, New Moon Girls’ expanded online to add a richness and color to the digital dialog, creating an entire community of shared art, hopes, dreams and inspiration…launched … [Read more...]
Save New Moon Girls: Help Us, Help Them!
Rachel Simmons Tonight at GunnHS, Palo Alto!
Sept. 24, 2009 S.F. Bay Area readers, reminder Rachel Simmons is speaking TONIGHT for free at Palo Alto's Gunn High School (details here) about her new book The Curse of the Good Girl (living proof of same right here with yours truly, heh) I interviewed Rachel Simmons about what all has transpired in media and marketing since her decade of research on relational … [Read more...]
Supergirls Speak Out: Liz Funk on NBC Today, Tomorrow!

Feb. 9, 2009 In the ‘takes one to know one’ category, I have to throw my own overachiever support behind young SuperGirl Liz Funk who has spent the last couple years detailing the ‘pressure to be perfect’ among teenage girls. Shaping Youth is one of the ‘book tour stops’ for SuperGirls Speak Out, and I’d slated Liz closer to her debut March 3rd, but in typical ‘overachiever’ … [Read more...]