Nov. 11, 2009 With the outpouring of sadness regarding Fort Hood, the scary statistics surfacing on PTSD and women soliders under 'friendly fire' from missles of a different kind, and work-family/depression conflicts, I figured it was high time for some GOOD news this Veteran's Day. Every year on Veteran’s Day, I dedicate my post to either my dad, Capt. A.R. Jussel (USN … [Read more...]
MyVetwork: Connecting The Digital Dots For Veterans Globally
Health2.0: Hunting Cryptic Cryptids in Cryptozoo!

Oct. 8, 2009 As we observe October as health month in multiple media iterations of kids' mental and physical well-being, it's fitting that I've been away covering the excitement at Health2.0 this week. What's it all about? To me, the Health2.0 conference is ideally a place where innovation technology collides with human needs in ambitious acceleration of fast-track … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Impacts of Virtual Worlds: Using New Media Positively

Aug. 8, 2016 Please pitch in to add your data/case studies from VR pain management to VR for psychiatric use and more... ...Currently working on an update about positive media innovation including tips/tactics for the "sandwich generation" of parents providing eldercare and am thrilled to see virtual reality being tested in senior living communities among startups like … [Read more...]