July 27, 2010 “Why aren’t you posting on Shaping Youth every day like you used to, Amy? Are you on summer hiatus like the networks?” Um, I guess that’s what you’d call it. Frankly, it never occurred to me that I needed to ‘inform’ people that I was trying to eke out some ‘white space’ and life balance in the name of healthy media consumption, because it seemed like an … [Read more...]
Media Slave? ReShaping Habits For More Summer Fun
Sexy Broccoli, Saucy 6 Year Olds & Why SexEd is a Must: SexTech Pt.3
Feb 21, 2010 Last night I snapped this lousy iPhone shot from Draeger’s deli as I scanned the takeout selections to treat myself to a quiet Sat. night feast. I did a double-take when I saw “sexy broccoli” thinking some wry night shift worker with a droll sense of humor was slipping in a “sex sells” snippet on the ol’ Bush broccoli-hating spree of yesteryear. Alas, I … [Read more...]
Grammy Glitz and Gimmicks Galore: Did Kids Watch? Did You?
Feb.1, 2010 Promise I’ll leave the 52nd Annual Grammy music deconstruction to the review pros, but just wanted to comment on the media and gadgetry of 21st century events in new media style. Where else would you see social media integration of Imogen Heap's Twitter Dress composed of photos sent by fans in real-time using the hashtag #twitdress? Purpose? To let fans … [Read more...]
Media Management: Addiction vs. Agency Part One
Jan. 11, 2010 I’m officially back from my one week blog hiatus, victorious in keeping my New Year resolution to ‘unplug’ more, manage my media rather than having it manage me, and slip away sans notification to prove that the world won’t fall apart and your readers won’t jump ship just because you go awol. Yep, it's my personal media management smackdown which surfaces on … [Read more...]
Internet Safety: Media Literacy Tips From Industry Insiders Pt 1
Nov. 24, 2009 As fall weather kicks in and families hunker indoors to ‘more screen time’ than summer time norms, I hear tales of media management missteps that would spin heads faster than a Linda Blair Exorcist antic. (yes I know it’s almost Thanksgiving, but I’m still seguing from Halloween here…) I hear parents say things like “Oh, my kids play games sometimes, but we … [Read more...]