Interview with Amy Jussel on The Girl Revolution

June 3, 2009 While I was at the Ypulse Youth Marketing Mashup, the last two days,  this "Interview with Shaping Youth Director" (aka yours truly) posted on The Girl Revolution. Here's  (Part One) and (Part Two) which I'm just seeing now...It's very strange being the 'interviewee' rather than the interviewer! It all came about when a student from Philadelphia in Professor … [Read more...]

What Will Kids Learn About Dr. George Tiller? And From Who?

May 31, 2009 When heinous acts of murder shake our nation to its very core, it brings out “the good, the bad, and the ugly” in media coverage, personal dogma and combative demogoguery. Whether it’s  terrorism, school shootings,  or today’s death of Dr. George Tiller, media has a role to play in curbing violence and handling the outpouring of grief productively. It's … [Read more...]

Film Screenings: ATB Tonight in Marin, Consuming Kids, June 4th!

May 28, 2009 Last night’s screening of America the Beautiful in S.F. at the Clay with director Darryl Roberts for Q&A yielded another 220 ardent ATB fans and helped support About-Face in the process! Tonight Darryl will wow ‘em in San Rafael to benefit Beyond Hunger, an eating disorder recovery org, so don’t miss it!! RSVP here (or just show up at the door!) I'll … [Read more...]

American Idol Upset: Who You Callin’ “Marginalized?”

May 20, 2009 Tonight was the big hoohah over American Idol’s grand finale controversy, and the New York Times' ArtsBeat section had a play by play ‘real time’ review updating regularly that described this showdown between Kris Allen and Adam Lambert as “the guy next door versus the guyliner.” On the ‘unfair to Adam’ shout out, you can add a posse of young teens who gave me … [Read more...]