The Supermodels, Then and Now + A Chat With Janet Lansbury

Feb. 1, 2012 “25% of young women 18-34 would rather win America’s Next Top Model than the Nobel Peace Prize..." ..."And 23% would rather lose their ability to read than their figures” opens Lisa Bloom’s THINK: Straight Talk for Women to Stay Smart in a Dumbed Down World... I’ll be interviewing author Lisa Bloom of THINK  later this month asking her about 'the other … [Read more...]

Using Media to Uplift and Inspire: When to Tune In, Not Out.

Dec. 20, 2011 True confessions, it’s been a heckuva challenging year, and it got me thinking about what different people do to bootstrap themselves out of adversity in its many forms whether it’s “first world” stress, third world crisis, health, home or holiday blues. I turned to our SY advisory board child development specialist, Dr. Robyn Silverman and pointed the ‘whatcha … [Read more...]

Glee Teen Sex: Facts & Opportunities Using CDC vs. Hollywood TV

Nov. 20, 2011 Truth is, Hollywood is lying about teen sex. Big time. New CDC research points to numbers that might as well frame Hollywood shows as a public health statistical version of ‘The Lying Game’ since TV consistently paints youth onto a recklessly bleak canvas of stereotyped imagery as impulsively hormonal lusty idiots …when the exact converse is true. Of those … [Read more...]

It’s Veteran’s Day: If I Have To Tell You One More Time…

Nov. 11, 2011 As schools let out for the Friday Veteran’s Day holiday, I double-dog dare you to ask each child why they get the day off and submit the answers here for a positive parenting prize... ...The helpful new book by Amy McCready, “If I Have to Tell You One More Time…” Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, author McCready is partnering with Blue Star Families, … [Read more...]

Monsters in the Movies: What Scares YOU?

Oct. 31, 2011 Happy Halloween! As one whose earliest childhood memory was getting spooked by my own reflection at age 3 in scary mini-witch regalia, it’s pretty clear I’m not cut out for the full tilt analysis of “Monsters in the Movies” media moments John Landis’ serves up in his new book with any kind of in-depth philosophical probing of “why we need” monsters in our human … [Read more...]