Halloween Media: Fun For Free! Apps, Sendables, Playlists, Games

Update Oct. 31, 2016 Appy Halloween? 2016 freebies include a spooktacular JibJab 'story bot' to insert and personalize wee ones into Halloween kids' books...Our friends at Common Sense Media offer a slew of apps with ages and stages reviewed and noted, and a host of Streaming Scary Movies for insta-atmosphere media fun. For older teens and the selfie crowd, these … [Read more...]

Amy Jussel On Changing the Channel of Media Influence

Oct. 28, 2010 Tonight I’ll be speaking on Changing the Channel of Influence in media, at The Third Place.org. I need to reiterate to ALL that Shaping Youth is a nonpartisan, non-religious-based, nonprofit,  non-tethered, organization. The media literacy opinions shared are my own and NOT aligned with any other organization, affiliation, or agenda. Clear? Reason I’m … [Read more...]

Tips From the Trenches: Re-Imagining Youth Activism, SPARK Change!

October 18, 2010 Ancient Chinese proverb: “The best soldiers are not warlike.” Welcome to youth activism 21st century style. (pithy "model waiver" for American Apparel street theater protest at left) Huge on the fun factor, wry wit and massive outreach potential, (deploying via social media in nanoseconds) today's youth are organizing via flash mob, street theater, viral … [Read more...]

New Spark Summit Social Media Widget! Share It!

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Blog Action Day: “What’s In It For Me?” Charity Water Meets AOC3

October 15, 2010 Last year on Blog Action Day more than 13,000 bloggers participated from 152 countries to shine the spotlight on climate change. Shaping Youth's post was all about inspiring kids as stewards of the planet with Cool the Earth and Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots school programs. This year, the topic is WATER, so I figured, ‘what a cinch, I can write about … [Read more...]