Hank Wasiak on “Teens, Our Next Greatest Generation”

Feb. 21, 2009 Great book cover, eh? Kinda drives the point home to "Change The Way You See Everything" doesn't it? The book's not quite out yet, but I embrace the  premise. I know it's more than airy fairy "half is glass empty or half full" platitudes or 'accentuate the positive' Pollyanna-isms because, well...that's not exactly my style, n'est ce pas? I tend to cut both … [Read more...]

Boogie For the Babes: UCLA Dance Marathon For Pediatric AIDS

Feb. 20, 2009 Derek Lee, one of our UCLA pals, is dedicated to dancing 26 hours straight with thousands of students tomorrow starting at 11am. He’s inching toward his goal with only a tiny bit more to go, and you can help put him over the top as he amps up awareness to help kids who are infected with or affected by the disease. Dance Marathon has raised nearly $1.37 million … [Read more...]

Holy Budget BALANCE Batman! Open Source Gotham Game

Feb. 20, 2009 Carping about your local officials? Don’t like the decisions being made? Still a student and can’t vote yet? Here’s a little micro-level peek into what the feds are dealing with on the larger scale financial fiasco... Amanda Hickman, the Technical Director of the Gotham Gazette pinged the Games for Change list serve to update their prior version of “Balance!” … [Read more...]

The Crisis of Credit: Visualized. Kid Vid Teaching Tool by MFA Student

Feb. 19, 2009 For every speechless educator groping for words when hands are raised with the million dollar questions…”how did we get here” and “what can we do about it?” this little 3:44 video clip gives a quick visual insight into the trickle down impact of ‘banks behaving badly.’ Created by Jonathan Jarvis for his graduate thesis at the Media Design Program, it’s a must … [Read more...]

A Virtual World to Be Wild About: Elf Island Tweens Help WildAid

Feb. 18, 2009 As reticent as I am to bring MORE media into kids’ lives, when I’d rather they be outside in non-electronic natural environs, I’m firmly convinced that it’s all about balance, content, values, messaging, and leveraging the power of media in positive ways. No secret that I’ve had my eye on Elf Island (fact sheet here) ever since Izzy Neis gave a heads up on this … [Read more...]