GLTR Girls: Girls Learn to Ride Creates Oceans of Self Esteem

Surfing. Wakeboarding. Snowboarding. Skateboarding. Skiing. All are ‘wannabe’ favorites of GLTR girls that opt for ‘X-treme’ sports over the ‘girly girl’ glitter-fest, like my 13-year old 'Billabong blonde' who’s ready to try most any new sports venture now that she’s gained so much self-worth. She’s been waterskiing long … [Read more...]

Fem 2.0: Feminine Feminism & The Mother of All Conversations

Femmes and friends of all colors are abuzz about whether Erin Aubry Kaplan’s recent Salon article about Michelle Obama’s backside was out of bounds or ‘a joyful celebration’ of blackness... Some of my blog favorites from Latoya at Racialicious to Gina at What About Our Daughters (and adjunct blog “Michelle Obama Watch”) have landed some … [Read more...]

Twilight Teens, GirlChild Press & A Manifesta: Read, Kiddo, Read!

Whether you’re sucking up the plotlines with girls of all ages and stages as part of the Twilight saga book series or are completely unaware of Twilight author Stephenie Meyer as the up and coming J.K. Rowling phenom-in-the-making and need a “Twilight beginner’s guide” to sort out all the 'will she/won’t she' vampire innuendo... ...Chances are, … [Read more...]

Girls Gone Global: GWLN Hosts Younger Leaders Worldwide!

Young leaders are ready to engage around the globe with the most daunting challenges facing our world, as girls ready for change are popping up in the media everywhere leading efforts, organizations, nonprofits entities and school cyclebreakers to seize the day in Carpe Diem mode! Before we capture some of that energy and momentum by highlighting the new national director of … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth’s Body Image Expert Dr. Robyn Silverman on Dove

What would you say real beauty is all about? How would you explain it to your daughter, your niece, your student, or other girls you love? Joining Dove Self Esteem Ambassador, Jessica Weiner and psychologist and author, Ann Kearney Cooke, our own Shaping Youth Body Image Expert Dr. Robyn Silverman recently tackled this topic as guest editor for the Dove Self Esteem … [Read more...]