Health 2.0: Got Mercury? Cellphone Tool For Fish Fanatics Like Me

Calling all kids, moms-to-be and women like me who eat fish a lot: Since we’re evidently more at risk than others from harm due to mercury ingestion and fish consumption, there’s now a cool little cellphone calculator to check before you chomp. is an “on the go” extension of the web site which I wrote about in this … [Read more...]

Farmers Markets Go Digital: Find Healthy Food Near YOU!

Tonight Shaping Youth proudly hosts filmmaker Amy Kalafa of Two Angry Moms at Parents Place joining Farmers Market pals like Sarah Nelson of Fresh Approach who is stellar at getting the word out regionally to all the farmer's market folks who in turn inform us "what's in season" with handy charts like this one...But we also wanted to provide a searchable database for our … [Read more...]

Kids Online UnConference: Everyone Has An Agenda, Including YOU!

November 13, 2008: Be there for the Kids Online: Balancing Fun and Safety Unconference! A few years back when I heard the geek/chic term “UnConference” I immediately thought it must be a “virtual” happening instead of a fly-in to reduce one’s carbon footprint. (shows you how I roll) Then I shrugged, “maybe it’s an … [Read more...]

United Nations Association Film Fest: Not Your Ordinary Kids Flicks!

Is it me, or is the 11th United Nations Association Film Festival (UNAFF) a screamin’ deal and a fabulous find? (tix here) Yah, yah, I know…documentary schmockumentary, too heavy when finances are in the commode, spirits are tankin’, kids are feelin’ the second-hand stress, and we want to lob humor and fun into the mix…(Well, we DO have … [Read more...]

Blog Action Day: Overcoming Poverty With Global Water

It’s been a hairy day of stressful mayhem, as I slid in my socks on the linoleum floor of digital deadlines to file my grant app for the MacArthur Foundation Digital Media Learning Competition with literally about 2 minutes to spare. Between technical glitches and last minute shifts in recommendation letters I found myself in that intense phase of heart palpitating … [Read more...]