Public Health: DV Grammys, Too Short Of A Memory, Sexualization

Update Feb. 12, 2016 With the 2016 Grammys coming up this weekend, I wanted to add two posts by the author of The Achilles Effect and Boys, Sex & Media as a ponderable question about what we're choosing to honor and award with media messaging and masculinity. Without vilifying an entire genre, specific artist, or lyrics lens (not interested in uncorking a censorship convo; … [Read more...]

The Berenstain Bears Legacy Lives On Through Sons Mike and Leo

Feb. 27, 2012  Upon hearing of Berenstain Bears’ co-founder Jan Berenstain’s passing at 88 this past Friday, I’d like to send deepest condolences to the family, especially sons Mike (illustrator) and Leo (business) who continue to uphold the stories and standards of their parents’ gentle parables after 50 years and over 300 books of "kidlit" entertainment. To honor Jan’s … [Read more...]

Kids, Media & Intimacy: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Update Feb. 13, 2018 Related research and an excellent NYT read on the need for "porn literacy" given that teens exposure to online porn sites is distorting their lens of peer social norming, healthy intimacy, and respect and consent. WAY past time for comprehensive sexed and critical thinking on consent to prevent misinformation and disinformation. Oh, and by the way, could we … [Read more...]

Miss Representation Sparks Change As a Film, As a Movement

Ready for Feb 3, 2013? Miss Rep will be at it again. Here is the new list of 2013 Twitter handles for advertisers, just use the #NotBuyingIt hashtag on Twitter to make a social media statement and pushback against sexism in advertising. And this year, 2013, they have a free TOOLKIT to download created with Girls For A Change, complete with whys/hows for newbie … [Read more...]