Hey Grads! Free Gift For You! Josh Shipp’s 2010 Graduation Rap

June 5, 2010 As high schools pour out cap-flipping whoops and hollers from an elated senior class, the hidden layer beneath reveals a wee bit of queasiness about entering a lousy economy fraught with adult foul-ups, oilspill disasters and uncertainty… So grads? Josh Shipp's inspiring rap is a free gift for YOU. (video after the jump---my favorite line is captured above, … [Read more...]

ABCs of Life: What’s Your Gift To Graduating Youth?

June 4, 2010 How many graduating class invitations do you have piled up from folks you haven’t heard from in an eternity? I’m curious. I’m at three, and trying not to ‘over-think’ the blinding incivility of those with paws out for paltry ‘gimmes,’ preferring to perceive this as simply a well-meaning announcement akin to those holiday cards detailing ‘the kids … [Read more...]

Refreshing Media Mashup: Using Library Cards for Freebie Fun!

June 4, 2010 It’s hard enough to get kids thinking about ‘summer reading’ when kids are gearing up to break loose from school for fun in the sun, but this cool idea prompting families into libraries to check out freebie ‘staycations’ is brilliant. You know how local attractions sometimes offer ‘free admission days’ that turn into hordes of over-crowded frenzied folks … [Read more...]

Summer Fun & The War Play Dilemma (+Online Gaming Stats)

May 22, 2014 Adding this article from The Guardian Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare; a non-gamer's guide and Jinny Gudmundsen's Common Sense Media's post, "10 Most Violent Video Games and 10+ Alternatives as it's important to reinforce that Memorial Day is about honoring the fallen in "RL" (real life) vs on a leader board.Critical thinking, parental pre-screening and co-viewing … [Read more...]

Memorial Day Salute: Reverence, Reflection, Resources

May 27, 2024 I can't believe it's been over a decade and now more than ever, this post still holds up. Thinking about my dad today and wondering what he'd think seeing how divisive our nation has become with the January 6th insurrection and the degradation of democracy amidst the tawdry 'reality tv' tripe of Trumpian tactics. It makes me shudder to think how far we've … [Read more...]