Childrens’ Digital Privacy Advocates Show FTC Watchdogs Aren’t Woofin

June 18, 2009 Here we go again. I'm beginning to feel a bit like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day having deja vu that we've 'been there done that' all over again.  Oh, that's right. We HAVE. Over a decade ago, Jeff Chester, executive director of Center for Digital Democracy played a leading role in the passage of COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998)...Since … [Read more...]

Shaping Youth Father’s Day Letter to President Obama

June 17, 2009 Bill Cosby has always been my favorite star, dating back to my childhood listening to his comedy routines on record albums.  (roar, says the digital dinosaur!) It seems particularly fitting that President Obama has become a bit of a ‘Cosby-esque dad’ with his calm, approachable Cliff Huxtable demeanor and a media perception echoing that same warm, casual  "my … [Read more...]

Grown Up Digital: Don Tapscott’s Latest On ‘Generation Net’

June 15, 2009 “A revolution doesn’t happen in society when you adopt new tools, a revolution in society happens when you adopt new behaviors.” That digital premise opens up the debate for the 21st century tug-o-war of perception between what Wikinomics author Don Tapscott of Grown Up Digital calls the ‘smartest generation’ and what his nemesis, Mark Bauerlein of Emery … [Read more...]

G-Force: Can Guinea Pigs Help Kids Get Active? Humana Hopes So!

June 12, 2009 Just finished a phone interview with some of the Humana Games for Health team to see if their new free game called OPS (Operation Planet Savers) passed the sniff test of 'goodwashing' in their Disney dealings to promote the upcoming G-Force movie coming out next month as a Jerry Bruckheimer first in the 3D big screen. “OPS” is aimed at launching kids into … [Read more...]

Graduation: From What To What? Media Moments Of Expectation

June 10, 2009 Yesterday my daughter ‘graduated’ from eighth grade, and I found myself marveling at the whole commencement falderal as being a bit surreal... It was lovely, in a 'life event' kind of way, but with a rented performing arts center stage, anxious kids wanting things to be 'perfect,' parents whooping and hollering and fist-pumping as junior walked across stage and … [Read more...]