Top 20 Youth Marketing Bloggers: Shaping Youth Is One of ‘Em!

Just when you thought I’d stay on topic and wrap up our ‘All Things Girl’ week I’m zinging one more post in a different direction (humor me, it’s the holidays, time to give and forgive!) has been delving into youth culture long before it became a buzz word, from neuropsychology and social media trendtracking, to behavior and … [Read more...]

Smart Girls At the Party.TV: Interview with SNL’s Amy Poehler

With eight seasons of Saturday Night Live under her belt, I automatically thought SNL actress Amy Poehler's new digital TV series would be a spoof or a sketch by the screenshot alone! I mean, c'mon, as a name generation branding gal, somehow seeing Smart Girls + Party + Barbie in one princess-pop logo was almost too much to bear. My bad... Amy Poelher's intent is to … [Read more...]

The Girl Effect: A World Changing Media Message

Shaping Youth’s All Things Girl Series concludes with a two-parter on The Girl Effect, beginning with this powerful media using kinetic type in motion and piano to amplify and implore action with the same cut through the clutter poignancy that Dove’s Onslaught video used jarring visuals as a media montage. Can we still use simple WORDS and music to emote in a visual culture … [Read more...]

Girls’ Prescription for Self-Worth: Respect Rx

As we wind down All Things Girl Week on Shaping Youth (which has turned into more of a month) let’s connect the dots on the one theme that keeps resurfacing time and again from sports and school to body image and brains…Respect. Respect Rx is the universal inoculation against media and marketing cues that can damage girls’ psyches and erode their souls … [Read more...]

What’s On Tweens’ Minds? Meet Denise Restauri of AllyKatzz

I figure the Obama girls are going to be a huge focal point in the months ahead (gawd help those darlings) and self-ascribed tween “experts” will be crawling out of the media morass elbowing each other for air time and talk show gigs, so why not check in on the conversations transpiring on tween-talk hubs themselves? Since my tween has just turned teen, and … [Read more...]