The Oprah Factor: Stop the Yo-Yo Dieting Messages

April 8, 2009 Young women and their moms have been "under the influence" of Oprah longer than you can say “she’s gotta have it.” From cuddly bathrobes to kids' book club picks, when the grand dame of daytime speaks, people listen. Precisely the point that Director Darryl Roberts of America the Beautiful is making in his recent “open letter to Oprah” plea to curb the weight … [Read more...]

Halloween Make-Up Tips For Kids Costumes On the Fly

Update Oct. 30, 2016 Before you slather on fun face paint for a cute, quick costume, remember that kids are more sensitive to any and all chemicals coming their way... In addition to these fresh face resources below and Campaign for Safe Cosmetics new "2016 Pretty Scary 2" report to update their original pdf on heavy metals in face paints, and this handy personal care primer … [Read more...]

America the Beautiful: An “R” Rated Movie You WANT Kids To See

Teens and tweens have heard more raw verbiage on school grounds in any given day than Eve Ensler's little snippet in America the Beautiful that garnered the documentary an ‘R’ rating. (trailer here) That ‘R’ is for the reform needed in movie ratings, since even the most graphic visuals of plastic surgery could have shown on ER or CSI prime time on any … [Read more...]