July 17, 2011 No, I haven’t seen the Harry Potter grand finale yet.Yes, it’s been covered from every angle, dominating Twitter streams, Facebook status lines and yielding the largest weekend box office on record with one out of four tickets sold going ka-ching for the wizard boy.And maybe it'll be worthy of the 3D hyped up media zeal, but like the Twilight series or any other … [Read more...]
Harry Potter Alliance: Using Pop Culture Pervasiveness Positively
Shaping Youth is Expanding: Sneak Peek and Needs Please?
Feb 22, 2011 Breaking into The Power of Play series for a sneak peek into what's occupying so much of my time...expanding Shaping Youth's web presence. No secret that I’m a media maven that's media phobic on the soundbite circuit of talk shows...Also that as a writer/producer I'm more comfy behind a cam than in front of it. So for those who lobbied hard to "go with video, … [Read more...]
Amy Jussel On Changing the Channel of Media Influence
Oct. 28, 2010 Tonight I’ll be speaking on Changing the Channel of Influence in media, at The Third Place.org. I need to reiterate to ALL that Shaping Youth is a nonpartisan, non-religious-based, nonprofit, non-tethered, organization. The media literacy opinions shared are my own and NOT aligned with any other organization, affiliation, or agenda. Clear? Reason I’m … [Read more...]