May 4-10, 2015 is Screen Free Week I'm being called for jury duty, so who knows where that lands...meanwhile, here's a links list below reprising resources to enjoy time out and about unplugged!Screen Free Week from May 5-11, 2014Every year I hear claims that in our "always on" culture, CCFC’s annual Screen Free Week has ‘jumped the shark’ in usefulness as digital dealings … [Read more...]
The Nature Principle: Experience the Earth Beyond Instagram
April 22, 2015 Update Recycling my resource roundup of eco-literacy quizzes on greenwashing, nature apps in a wired world, and games for good like TiltWorld that build on green media themes of kids' exploration and discovery (like TumbleLeaf to get kids outside) in order to add a very LOUD shout out to this poignant Richard Louv post about Hybrid Minds: (premise: The more high … [Read more...]
Trekaroo iPhone App: Kid-Friendly Travel Spots On The Fly
June 29, 2012 Anyone with small children knows parents need to pack a lot of patience for pit-stops and play time when it comes to logistics of summer travel, but now “there’s an app for that” to make it a snap. Trekaroo, the travel review site written by families themselves has just launched their free iPhone app that taps into kid-friendly spots along most any vacation … [Read more...]
Media Slave? ReShaping Habits For More Summer Fun
July 27, 2010 “Why aren’t you posting on Shaping Youth every day like you used to, Amy? Are you on summer hiatus like the networks?” Um, I guess that’s what you’d call it. Frankly, it never occurred to me that I needed to ‘inform’ people that I was trying to eke out some ‘white space’ and life balance in the name of healthy media consumption, because it seemed like an … [Read more...]