May 28, 2009 I was just about to post an in-depth review and analysis of the merits and watch-worthy aspects of the new "learn and earn" kids' program for 3rd-6th graders, when I received this sidewinder about their brand new alliance with Scholastic’s Summer reading challenge. I know, I know, this news is supposed to be a GOOD thing from a "halo effect" mass … [Read more...]
SmartyCard’s Summer Challenge With Scholastic: Heads Up for Fall!
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Product Placement, Shaping Youth Tagged With: ad-creep, Advertising, anti-rewards, backdoor branding, Book Fairs, branding, brandwashing, Bratz, cause marketing, CCFC, childhood, Chris Carvalho, Club-Penguin, commercial free, commercialism, consumption, Dizzywood, education, elementary, Elf-Island, Gazillion, Goodwashing, Ignite Learning, itunes, Kids, kids-media, learn and earn, learning, LearnStar, Lego Universe, MMORPG, motivation, non-book products, nonprofit-cause-marketing, parenting, quizzes, Raising Digital Kids, rewards, Save the Children, Scholastic, Scholastic Summer challenge, schools, Shape Up Scholastic, SmartyCard, summer slide, teachers, TechMama, Trojan Horse, Virtual-Worlds, Webkinz
Beyond Tech Toys: Pico=A Playful Invention Company (Part Four)
Feb. 6, 2009 Today I had the pleasure of speaking with global fellowship recipients in Stanford's Innovation Journalism Program (here's VentureBeat's audio of Director David Nordfors explaining the concept of innovation journalism). I tried to explain Shaping Youth's version of innovation learning and thankfully, had asked Scott Arpajian, co-founder of virtual world Dizzywood … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Interactive Games, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Shaping Youth Tagged With: Amy-Jussel, Animoto, children, David Nordfors, Dizzywood, Do Something, Elf, Elf-Island, innovation, Innovation Journalism, innovation learning, learning, Lego Mindstorms, Lego Universe, Meil Lin Fung, MIT Media Lab, Naeem Zafar, PICO, PicoBoard, PicoCricket, Playful Invention Company, Scott Arpajian, Stanford-University, teaching, Tech toys, Teens Turning Green, Venture Beat, Web 2.0 entrepreneurs, Zoeys Room