Media Netiquette + Some Great Nature Apps In A Totally Wired World

July 26, 2015 Update: Adding Washington Parent's list: Nature Apps, Life Beyond the Screen and's iPhone app specific picks for enjoying the outdoors, plus Mother Nature Network's "7 Apps to Help You Get the Most Out of Nature" to Shaping Youth's links and positive picks below. Have more favorites? Lob them into the comments section, please! Nov. 8, 2014 Update How … [Read more...]

My Mommy Taught Me To Surf: Meaningful Media for Mother’s Day

May 8, 2012 Happy Children's Book Week all! (May 7-13 2012) No secret I prefer media that has a social enterprise tie-in or a deeper message than the vapid values of commercialism circulating in the mainstream, so was thrilled to see this Surfrider Foundation "protect the oceans" message wrapped in a girls empowerment, active how-to book for kids, called My Mommy Taught Me … [Read more...]

Oscar Is Worthy! See Chimpanzee, Support Jane Goodall’s Work

April 18, 2012 No secret I’m a fan of all creatures great and small, wildly applauding every effort to impart nature’s magnificence to 21st century kids. Whether it’s the brand new launch of TiltWorld’s app (fun little Flip the frog on an eco-mission to make real world change in climate chaos) or Richard Louv’s Children and Nature Network (C&NN awarded $100K Disney … [Read more...]

Lessons From Youth On Screen Free Week: Perception Vs. Reality

Apr. 20, 2011 Screen Free Week April 18-24 If I’m "Captain of this Ship," then there’s been a mutiny and I’m walking the plank. Some of the youth crew have called me out and dressed me down for what could easily be a flashback to the old Rolling Stone ad campaign titled “Perception vs Reality.” And they have a point. In an era of virtual stages, I have failed to fully close … [Read more...]

Spring Break Sanctuary: Ideas To Celebrate Screen Free Week

May 6, 2015 This year, "Screen Free Week" has been hardest on me for work related immediacy, as Twitter and 'livestreaming' events have made me feel like Gumby with people pinging and pushing their content under my nose to 'Please help! Look! See! Write about this worthy cause!' Even though Screen Free Week is flexibly interpreted as a customizable mindfulness exercise, I … [Read more...]