Ok mathletes and marketing mavens...when does $125=$250? The economy’s in the tank, and I want every penny leveraged to the max, so it makes sense that I’d wait until the 'best year-end deal' to gift to my favorite orgs using matching funds before Jan. 1. Since I literally received an EASTER toy catalog promo the day after Christmas (ack!) I’ve decided … [Read more...]
Using Matching Funds Marketing Tactics: A Win-Win For Kids
Filed Under: Advertising, Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Mobile Media, Apps & Gaming, Product Placement, Shaping Youth, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: 2 for 1, CCFC, cellphones, changing the present, Commercialization of Childhood, Dizzywood, double your money, economics, Elf-Island, fast food marketing, getting to yes, Harvard Program on Negotiation, Kids, limited time offer, marketing tactics, matching funds, MEF, microfunding, more for the money, negotiation, nonprofits, parenting, PON, princesses, teens, toy industry, tweens, unlimited texting, Weary parents, year end appeals, Zookazoo