Healthy Youth Media Act Pt 2: Can Change Be Legislated? (interview)

July 21, 2010 Can you hear the drumbeat, Hollywood? It’s getting louder. Girl advocates like Jessica Lawrence head to Capitol Hill to discuss H.R. 4925 tomorrow to share firsthand data about how depictions of women and girls in the media affect youth health and are landing sideways. Small business entities like Melissa Wardy of  Wisconsin based PigtailPals has devoted an … [Read more...]

Sexed Up M&Ms Sell Fashionably Decadent Premium Sleaze

Mars candies have reached a new low... Anthropomorphizing cartoon critters is one thing, giving chocolate candy classics the Jessica Rabbit treatment is another. Do we REALLY need more sexualization of childhood now coming in jewel-tone rich candy colors with a lip-licking ‘take it all off’ stripper vibe? You know my answer. The video’s after the jump … [Read more...]

Celeb pop culture & media tipping point of toxicity

R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Aretha earned it. Lindsay wants it. Paris lacks it. Beyoncé & Britney had it, hit some high notes, then vamped it away.Our media culture is so fraught with ‘trashy party girl’ celebrity coverage and peekaboo wardrobe malfunctions papering the blogosphere, it’s no wonder kids’ behavioral cues are getting fouled up beyond recognition.What goes into kids’ minds … [Read more...]