October 2, 2009 Many of you know the irony that I’m ‘press phobic’ and camera shy despite a journalism and ad/media background plus a Communications degree, so it always amazes me when people LIKE the spotlight and seamlessly handle themselves with aplomb regardless of the topic or the venue. That would be our own dear Dr. Robyn. Shaping Youth’s body image pro Dr. Robyn … [Read more...]
Our Body Image Pro, Dr. Robyn Silverman on The Tyra Show Oct. 5!
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Nutrition & Wellness, People Shaping Youth, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: adolescent body image, anorexia, appearance, Ask Dr. Robyn, body bashing, body ideals, body shame, body-positive, bodysnarking, character education, childhood obesity, children, dieting, Dr.-Robyn-Silverman, fat, Fat Haters, fat phobic, health, ideal weight, ideals, Kids, Media, models, objectification, parenting, Photoshop models, plus sized models, Powerful parent, role models, runway models, self-esteem, Sexualization, Sexualization & Body Image, slim, Slim Hopes, stage presence, striving for zero, thin, thin is in, thinspiration, Tufts, Tyra Banks, youth
Turning Over a New Leaf: Relationships With Youth

Packed with fitness resolutions, habit-changing, self-care promises and assorted organizational ‘gotta-dos,’ January is always my reality jolt into what I’ve neglected far too long. Between my birthday, January 4th and the New Year, it’s a double-whammy packed with angst, reflection and introspection that usually leaves me in a heap of weepy … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Consumerism, Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Positive Picks, Pro-Social & Positive Picks, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth Tagged With: adolescents, Amy-Jussel, at risk girls, at risk youth, behavioral change, bonding, bracelets, breaking habits, Cindy Loughran, Daughters, deterrent, DISC assessment, Dr. Jenn for girls, Dr.-Robyn-Silverman, Germaine Lawrence School, Girls for a Change, Girls helping girls, life choices, living with intention, mothers and daughters, New Leaf, New Leaf Touchstone, New Leaf Touchstones, New Years resolutions, overcome adversity, parenting, personal empowerment, Please Stop the Rollercoaster, Powerful parent, putting the power to change into your hands, relationships, risk, So Sexy So Soon, stress management, Sue Blaney, suicide intervention, Tapestries-of-Hope, teens, touchstones, Weary Parent