Mar. 7, 2015 Selma March, 50 years later, commemoration of Bloody Sunday. #Selma50Anyone who has seen the movie "Selma" knows the split second power of media storytelling to jolt viewers into a visceral, emotional sidewinder.The teens on either side of me were wide-eyed, visibly shaken, and riveted as the dialogue shifted from children playfully bantering about hairstyles to … [Read more...]
Guardian Princesses: Prosocial Planet Protectors?
Sept. 1, 2014 I admit, my first reaction to The Guardian Princesses was wince-worthy...“Oh please, NOT more freakin’ princesses!”Followed by, “Here we go with the chocolate covered broccoli bit embedding a stealth health “better for you” media message into the junk food genre of princess pablum.” Finally, I settled into a more measured,“Well, if they're upending kid lit to … [Read more...]
The Nature Principle: Experience the Earth Beyond Instagram
April 22, 2015 Update Recycling my resource roundup of eco-literacy quizzes on greenwashing, nature apps in a wired world, and games for good like TiltWorld that build on green media themes of kids' exploration and discovery (like TumbleLeaf to get kids outside) in order to add a very LOUD shout out to this poignant Richard Louv post about Hybrid Minds: (premise: The more high … [Read more...]