June 8, 2010 Why do we have to turn summer camp into a marketing opportunity for pink and blue? What's the matter with plain ol' grass green and outdoor fun? Admittedly, I never made it to a 'traditional camp' until I was a parent. We moved duty stations during summers, and if we didn’t, we were ‘free range kids,’ amped with self reliance, creative spunk, and behavior … [Read more...]
Kids Summer Camps & Niche Gender Marketing: Why?
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, EcoKids-Environment, Emerging trends & STEM, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Misogyny & Racism, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: Actionist Network, adventure camp, Amy-Jussel, Castles, Childhood Summers, children, childrens intelligence, Confidence Community, day camps, DigiGirlz, Disney, Every Boy, Every girl, fairytales, Geena Davis Institute, Gender, gender literacy, gender parity, Gender Portrayal, Girl Media, Girls Leadership Insititute, Jess Weiner, Kids, media-literacy, Melissa Wardy, niche camps, overnight camps, Packaging-Boyhood, Packaging-Girlhood, PigTail Pals, pink and blue, pink camping gear, Pink princess, pink tents, Pink Think, pirates, princesses, reach and teach, redefining girly, robotics, selling of pink, sociological images, STEM, stratification, summer camps, traditional camps, true child
Flirt Bots, Sex Bots and Artificial Intelligence: Future Shlock?
Feb. 10, 2010 Anyone remember sweet Rosie the Robot from The Jetsons cartoon? (If you're not having a retro flashback there's a 2012 live-action remake in development so you'll no doubt hear about her soon) Robotic maids and servile techno gizmos and conveniences have come a looooong way since Rosie... Some show humanity ascending with hope and promise, others pose … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Emerging trends & STEM, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Misogyny & Racism, Product Placement, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity, Vapid Values, Viral & Buzz Media Tagged With: 2007 cyberlover, Advocates-for-youth, ai, American Apparel, Amplify, Amplify your voice, antivirus, April 10-18 2010, artificial intelligence, avatar, blood is the new black, bot, bots, chat rooms, Dan Jubelirer, data hijacking, data-mining, dating violence, degrading, digital nation, domestic violence, Facebook quizzes, Facebook-Beacon, feminism, Flirt Bots, flirting, Gender, Google Buzz, health, Heineken cyborg, helping heal, identity theft, IM, Isis, Jess Weiner, life size robotic girlfriend, malicious websites, malware, MSN chat, National Robotcis Week, patriarchy, pfishing, phishing, privacy, rape chic, robot, robotics, Roger David, Rosie the Robot, Roxxxy, sex bot, sex ed, Sex-Tech, sexting, sexual assault, sexuality, Sexualization, social sharing, Stephen Colbert, submission, Teen Advocate Dan, teens, The Jetsons, threads, Valentines