October 2, 2009 Many of you know the irony that I’m ‘press phobic’ and camera shy despite a journalism and ad/media background plus a Communications degree, so it always amazes me when people LIKE the spotlight and seamlessly handle themselves with aplomb regardless of the topic or the venue. That would be our own dear Dr. Robyn. Shaping Youth’s body image pro Dr. Robyn … [Read more...]
Our Body Image Pro, Dr. Robyn Silverman on The Tyra Show Oct. 5!
The Civility Solution

Sept. 14, 2009 Rather than rehash the coarse conduct of music stars, athletes, and politicos reaching some new lows this past week, I’d like to point to The Civility Solution (Sept. '09) the sequel to one of my faves, called "Choosing Civility: 25 Rules of Considerate Conduct."Why? Because we've got major media moments ripe for peeling back a deeper conversation on how this is … [Read more...]
This Video Sings Volumes About Snap Judgment in Media

April 14, 2009 Our appearance-based culture has become increasingly coarse, cynical and stereotyped, judging people in rapidfire profiling more often than any mindful Malcolm Gladwell style ‘Blink’ of rapid cognition. Such was the case when 48 year old Susan Boyle took the stage as the audience of ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ rolled their eyes in ‘puhleeeeze’ mockery with … [Read more...]
Girls Sports Boosts Preteen Body Image & Self-Worth

Ah, football season, home to toxic media messaging for girls. A time when beer billboards of buxom cheerleaders spill from every corner, “scoring” innuendos abound, and tacky wardrobe malfunctions remain fresh in the mind’s eye. Seems timely to post tips on ways to promote girls’ self-image through SPORTS, since body image and self worth is being pummeled in media and … [Read more...]