Aug. 20, 2015 Update: Now Gatorade's G-Force is forcing their bottled neon into schools under the guise of 'hydration education?' Seriously? Paging media watchdogs! Crickets. Jan. 10, 2014 I’ve written a lot about the heavy marketing of sugary/salty sports drinks over water for hydration, and this post about “kidney stones in kindergarten” serves as a public health reminder … [Read more...]
Media, Misinformation and Unhealthy Spin
August 14, 2009 by 6 Comments
August 14, 2009 I'm very thankful that Shaping Youth Nutrition Correspondent Rebecca Scritchfield, RD takes the helm today with her piece "The Price of Misinformation in Media," as I’m trying to manage some media of my own to make sure I’m not misinterpreted either! As you know by now, I’m quite media shy, not just because I'm a former journalist who can ‘spot the spin’ with … [Read more...]