Ready for Feb 3, 2013? Miss Rep will be at it again. Here is the new list of 2013 Twitter handles for advertisers, just use the #NotBuyingIt hashtag on Twitter to make a social media statement and pushback against sexism in advertising. And this year, 2013, they have a free TOOLKIT to download created with Girls For A Change, complete with whys/hows for newbie … [Read more...]
Miss Representation Sparks Change As a Film, As a Movement
Filed Under: Advertising, Branding & Consumerism, Consumerism, Growing up too soon, Marketing Shaping Youth, Media Literacy, Product Placement, Sexualization & Body Image, Shaping Youth, Stereotypes & Diversity Tagged With: APA, APA task force sexualization girls, Aspiration gap, Christiane Amanpour, dads and daughters, Danica Patrick, depiction of females in media, Fantasy Football, females, football violence, Geena Davis Institute, gender equity, Gender Portrayal, girl-empowerment, girls-self-worth, hypersexual, Jackson Katz, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Joe Kelly, Karen Dahl, Lego Friends, Media Education, media mindfulness, media visibility, Media-Influence-Kids, media-literacy, misrepresentation, Miss Representation, not buying it, objectification, Paley Center, Pan Am TV show, Reality Bites Back, role models kids, School Library Journal, sex objects, sexism, Sexualization, So Sexy So Soon, SPARK, spark change, SPARK! summit, Super Bowl, Super Bowl as Learning Opportunity, Superbowl 2012, Superbowl Sunday, toxic cues to kids, women's media center, You can't be what you can't see